After a 4 month leave of absence the boys are back! Wiser, older and just as clueless as ever. Tackling more of life’s larger questions with the reckless ignorance you know and love. Don’t call it a comeback!
EP 62 The Christ(near)miss Special
It’s the annual WWS Christmas Podcast!
EP 61 Ghostbusters II (but good)
It’s finally here, after a short delay WWS is back with part two of Scottish Stu’s ghost hunt. Will we see a full body apparition? Will Prendy cover himself in ectoplasm? Will Pete ever stop yawning? Find out NOW!
EP44 – High five nature!
Well, we finally managed it! The first ever WWS field trip. We came, we survived, we recorded stuff and now you can learn from us as we pass our new found knowledge about nature on to you. Or, you can hang about to listen to Prendy and his man crush, Pete and his attraction to midges, or Craig retelling the …
EP43 – Brown-Eyed WIllie
I didn’t write any notes for this episode. And I can’t be arsed going back and listening to it again now. But from the tags it looks like we talked about The Goonies, treasure hunting and the Rio Olympics. Probably worth a listen anyway, feel free to send in an email with notes if you want!
EP42 – Man Down!
Kids eh? Don’t you just love em? Well Pete sure does. So much in fact that he’d rather sit this one out to spend more time with this family. Events (and crying children) conspire against us, so it’s down to Prendy and Craig to keep the ship on a steady course as we sail through these rough waters.
EP 41 Argh Shitface!
Well he’s only gone and done it! Craig completed Tough Mudder (almost) unscathed, Pete’s been busy trekking the world as the Big Head of Technology and Prendy, well Prendy has been sleeping in his car at lunchtimes. Join us this week where we tackle the Brexit fall out and then get onto more serious matters such as The Visit and …
EP40 – Inhuman Resources
Back once again with your favourite podcast. This week Pete shows us why he’s the BIG HEAD OF TECHNOLOGY by answering some typical HR questions. Then he moves on to some robust roleplaying with Craig. How did that guy ever get a job?
EP39 – The ‘Stars’ Align
It’s back to the start this week. The team FINALLY are all in one location, around one table and drinking several beers. Craig makes the trip all the way down from Scotland to find out why Pete’s wife hates him so much. Then we eat burgers and scotch eggs and put the world to rights. Oh, and we need a …
EP38 – Nice Puppies
Back on track. Two episodes in two weeks! That’s how good we are to you lucky lucky people. Celebrating hitting the 2000 listeners mark. Thanks to you all for your continuing support and lack of comments / reviews. It’s this great feedback that keeps us coming back for more. Quiz this week and we discuss the finer points of lego …
EP37 – Back in Business
We’re BACK! After what seems like MONTHS off, so much has changed. Craig is now 40 and sober, Prendy has embarked on a career as a ghostbuster and Pete… well Pete is very much still Pete. Join us this week as we take pot shots at BTCare and BT Broadband, discuss the merits of maturing like a fine wine, and …
EP36 – Top Trump or Not Trump
It’s the Pete-a-thon this week. You’ve asked for it (haven’t) and we’ve delivered! Pete takes control of this weeks show. He’s got a quiz, he’s got a field trip and he’s got opinions galore! Sit back and let the warming golden honey tones of Wamwamsarah wash over you. Much like a wet flannel that’s been left at the side of …